Shopify AI Tools

In recent times, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools play a crucial role in the transformation of business operations, impacting different industries and changing how we handle tasks and challenges. AI tools offer many benefits and Shopify is no stranger to it. Read on to find out more about Shopify AI tools that can elevate your store and boost your productivity.

Shopify Magic

Shopify Magic is a set of helpful tools that use AI technology to make running your Shopify store easier. These tools are built into Shopify, so you can use them without any extra cost. They're designed to assist you in different aspects of your business, like creating your store, marketing, helping customers, and managing behind-the-scenes stuff. The key capabilities are:

  • Automated Content Creation: Shopify Magic can automatically write product descriptions for your online store. Say goodbye to spending countless hours crafting compelling descriptions for each product.

  • Image Editing: Transform product image backgrounds effortlessly. Generate, match, or remove backgrounds using just a few clicks or keywords.

  • Email Assistance: Shopify Magic assists with email effectiveness. It knows the best time to send correspondence and generates subject lines and copy.

  • Live Chat Optimization: Turn live chats into checkouts by providing personalized and relevant responses to customer questions.

How can I start using Shopify Magic?

You can use some Shopify AI tools already, but the whole Shopify Magic suite is not yet widely available. Shopify Magic is expected to roll out gradually, starting with a limited release in the US and potentially expanding worldwide. On 12th July 2023, Shopify’s Founder and CEO, Tobias Lütke, dropped a video announcement introducing Sidekick. In the video, he emphasized that entrepreneurs are heroes and every hero needs a sidekick! However, there are no specific release dates announced yet.

Shopify Magic Use Examples

One of these tools in Shopify Magic helps you write content more quickly. It utilises artificial intelligence (AI) to suggest text for things like product descriptions, email subject lines, and titles on your online store. The AI behind this tool is like a smart computer program that learns from a lot of text data to understand how language works.

In the background, this AI uses Large Language Models (LLMs). These are advanced computer programs that learn patterns in language by looking at lots of books, articles, and web pages. They use these patterns to help generate text for different purposes, like answering questions, translating languages, and creating new content. So, in a nutshell, Shopify Magic's automatic text generation is a handy tool that makes writing for your store a simple task!

Shopify Product Descriptions

You can now easily add or update existing product descriptions on Shopify. With the help of Shopify Magic, you can generate a product description by entering a few keywords and what tone of voice you would like the description to be in:

Once you hit generate, a suggestion pops up for your product description. You can either keep it which will add it to your description or edit the keywords and tone of voice until you get the perfect description.

In addition to generating new product descriptions, you can edit existing product descriptions by highlighting them and then clicking on the generate icon. This will provide you with 3 options including 'rephrase', 'extend', and 'simplify' - pick the option that's suited to your needs.

We expect more features to be available, once launched!

Shopify Blog Posts

Blog posts are great way to keep customers engaged. However, if you have a busy schedule, it can be difficult to write quality content with time constraints. Shopify Magic can help you to write not only your blog title but also your entire blog post with just a few prompts - including tone of voice.

Shopify Email

Creating campaigns can become cumbersome - especially when you're spending hours on coming up with the perfect subject line. Enter Shopify Magic. With just a click, you can generate a catchy subject line for your campaign emails.

Shopify Sidekick

There's also Shopify Sidekick - a helpful assistant for managing your Shopify store. It is an exciting addition to Shopify Magic, building on its foundations. It's like a smart companion powered by Shopify Magic which makes your journey in running and growing your business smoother. Sidekick knows a lot about how Shopify works, and it uses that knowledge to give you personalised support in different admin tasks, reporting and similar.

A great feature of Shopify Sidekick is that it doesn't need fancy language – you can talk to it in everyday words. It's there to help you with tasks that might take up a lot of your time, like coming up with creative ideas, improving your store, handling tasks that eat into your day, and making smart decisions for your business.

Shopify Inbox

Shopify Inbox allows you to engage in conversations with customers directly from your online store or the Shopify app. With AI-generated responses for incoming chats, you can easily keep on top of managing queries. As well as automating greetings, you can also automate contact capture and FAQs so your customers can get more information easily. The best part - it is free for Shopify merchants.

Shopify Shop App

The Shop app is like your control center for looking after and improving your brand's presence on Shop. You can take charge by customizing your mobile store to match your brand, managing products for better discoverability, and interacting with customers through reviews and automation to increase sales. With Shopify's AI, you can make use of the AI-driven product recommendations to keep your customers engaged - this is done through the built-in AI chatbot.

Shopify AI vs ChatGPT

How does Shopify compare with ChatGPT?

When we talk about what these tools are good at, Shopify AI Tools are like a perfect fit for Shopify store owners – things like managing your store, figuring out marketing plans, and helping with customer support. These tools are made specifically for the challenges that come with running an online store, making them work really well in that world. On the other hand, ChatGPT stands out as a versatile, general-purpose language model. It is good at everything from writing creatively to answering different kinds of questions.

Now, let's talk about how these tools fit into the whole system. Shopify AI Tools are smoothly built into the Shopify platform, the place where you manage your online store. This makes it easy for store owners to use them and improve their overall online store experience. On the flip side, ChatGPT needs to be integrated in specific applications or systems. It is great at creating text that sounds a lot like how people talk, which makes it useful in many different situations.

Lastly, let's look at how these tools can be adjusted to fit what you need. Shopify AI Tools are carefully made to suit the specific requirements of Shopify merchants, focusing a lot on making things efficient and automatic for store owners. This helps store owners get things done faster and smoother. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is more flexible and can be used for lots of general tasks. But if you want it to work exactly the way you want, some adjustments might be needed, showing how it can be adapted for different situations.

Shopify's AI tools are positively impacting Shopify stores and merchants. With tools like Shopify Magic, Sidekick, Inbox, and the Shop app, Shopify is making things easier for store owners. From helping with store content to giving personalised recommendations, these tools aim to make running an online store more convenient and efficient. As Artificial Intelligence carries on evolving, we will no doubt see more AI based tools from Shopify which will make other aspects to running a store much easier.